I try to use cygwin and linux expecting to have the same result but I discover this "problem".
I try to learn about thread and semaphore and I write this simple program
I compiled it under cygwin and I receve what I expect i.e. in a random way all the three thread lock the semaphore, update the variable and unlock the semaphore. The access to the resource (the 'a' variable) is equally distribuited between the three thread.
Then I compiled under Fedora Core 3 exaclty the same program and I noticed that if i.e. Routine 1 passes the semaphore once, then about 300-400 time again use the resource. If another thread is able to gain the resource, then that thread gain it again for a lot of times.
I expected, as in cygwin, that the access to the resource would be again equally distribuited.
Did I make any mistake?
I apologize if this is not the right forum to use.
If it isn't, please tell me where I can post my question.
Thank's of all.
I try to use cygwin and linux expecting to have the same result but I discover this "problem".
I try to learn about thread and semaphore and I write this simple program
struct sembuf lock_it;
struct sembuf unlock_it;
int a = 0;
int mutex;
void *thRoutine1(void *arg)
semop(mutex, & lock_it, 1);
printf ("\nSemaphore locked by 'Routine 1'\n");
a ++;
printf ("\n 'Routine 1' unlock Semaphore");
semop(mutex, & unlock_it, 1);
void *thRoutine2(void *arg)
semop(mutex, & lock_it, 1);
printf ("\nSemaphore locked by 'Routine 2'\n");
a += 10000;
printf ("\n 'Routine 1' unlock Semaphore");
semop(mutex, & unlock_it, 1);
void *thRead(void *arg)
semop(mutex, & lock_it, 1); // faccio un lock sulla risorsa
printf ("\nSemaphore locked by 'Routine Read'\n");
printf("\n a = %d; ", a);
printf ("\n 'Routine Read' unlock Semaphore");
semop(mutex, & unlock_it, 1); // faccio un lock sulla risorsa
int main()
pthread_t th1, th2, thR;
key_t unique_key;
union semun options;
unique_key = ftok(".", 'r');
printf("\n Unique_key = %d", unique_key);
if ( (mutex = semget(unique_key, 1, IPC_CREAT | IPC_EXCL | 0x0666)) == -1)
printf ("\nError");
printf ("\n\nSemaphore ID = %d\n", mutex);
options.val = 1;
semctl(mutex, 0, SETVAL, options);
// for lock operation
lock_it.sem_num = 0;
lock_it.sem_op = -1;
lock_it.sem_flg = IPC_NOWAIT;
// for unlock operation
unlock_it.sem_num = 0;
unlock_it.sem_op = 1;
unlock_it.sem_flg = IPC_NOWAIT;
pthread_create( & th1, NULL, thRoutine1, NULL);
pthread_create( & th2, NULL, thRoutine2, NULL);
pthread_create( & thR, NULL, thRead, NULL);
while(1) ;
return 0;
I compiled it under cygwin and I receve what I expect i.e. in a random way all the three thread lock the semaphore, update the variable and unlock the semaphore. The access to the resource (the 'a' variable) is equally distribuited between the three thread.
Then I compiled under Fedora Core 3 exaclty the same program and I noticed that if i.e. Routine 1 passes the semaphore once, then about 300-400 time again use the resource. If another thread is able to gain the resource, then that thread gain it again for a lot of times.
I expected, as in cygwin, that the access to the resource would be again equally distribuited.
Did I make any mistake?
I apologize if this is not the right forum to use.
If it isn't, please tell me where I can post my question.
Thank's of all.