Hi all, Having a problem with this code. It should run 2 threads but at the moment it is only running first void run. I am a noob so any help is much apprecated. Cheers in advance.
import Semaphore.Semaphore ;
public class TestAccounts {
private Object lock = new Object ();
Semaphore sema = new Semaphore (1);
Accounts accts;
public static void main(String[] args) {
// create a TestAccounts object
TestAccounts test = new TestAccounts();
public TestAccounts () {
accts = new Accounts ();
int noOfAccounts = 3;//accts.length;
Create and start a thread to add the balances of
the accounts contained in the Accounts object referenced by accts.
AddAccounts addThread = new AddAccounts(accts);
o Create and start a thread to transfer 100 from acct2
to acct1 in the Accounts object referenced by accts (
i.e. the accounts at locations 2 and 1 in the array
holding the accounts).
TransferFunds transFund = new TransferFunds(2,1,100,accts);
// inner class
public class AddAccounts extends Thread {
Accounts acctsAA;
public AddAccounts(Accounts a) {
acctsAA = a;
public void run () {
synchronized (lock) {
int total = acctsAA.addAccounts();
System.out.println ("ADD: total =" + total);
// inner class
public class TransferFunds extends Thread {
int from, to, amount;
Accounts acctsTF;
public TransferFunds(int fromAcct, int toAcct, int i, Accounts a) {
from = fromAcct;
to = toAcct;
amount = i;
acctsTF = a;
public void run () {
synchronized (lock) {
while (false);
acctsTF.transfer (from, to, amount);
}catch (InterruptedException e) {}
import Semaphore.Semaphore ;
public class TestAccounts {
private Object lock = new Object ();
Semaphore sema = new Semaphore (1);
Accounts accts;
public static void main(String[] args) {
// create a TestAccounts object
TestAccounts test = new TestAccounts();
public TestAccounts () {
accts = new Accounts ();
int noOfAccounts = 3;//accts.length;
Create and start a thread to add the balances of
the accounts contained in the Accounts object referenced by accts.
AddAccounts addThread = new AddAccounts(accts);
o Create and start a thread to transfer 100 from acct2
to acct1 in the Accounts object referenced by accts (
i.e. the accounts at locations 2 and 1 in the array
holding the accounts).
TransferFunds transFund = new TransferFunds(2,1,100,accts);
// inner class
public class AddAccounts extends Thread {
Accounts acctsAA;
public AddAccounts(Accounts a) {
acctsAA = a;
public void run () {
synchronized (lock) {
int total = acctsAA.addAccounts();
System.out.println ("ADD: total =" + total);
// inner class
public class TransferFunds extends Thread {
int from, to, amount;
Accounts acctsTF;
public TransferFunds(int fromAcct, int toAcct, int i, Accounts a) {
from = fromAcct;
to = toAcct;
amount = i;
acctsTF = a;
public void run () {
synchronized (lock) {
while (false);
acctsTF.transfer (from, to, amount);
}catch (InterruptedException e) {}