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Selling your IT solutions...

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Feb 2, 2003
I run a small IT company as a side job. I set up a meeting with our local government to see if I can get some of their IT business. Currently they use an out of town consulting company for all of their hardware needs. They also let them develop their web site. There is no IT staff on site, so all purchases get approved through the local board during weekly meetings. I need some advice for my pitch as far as what I can offer them. I am a software developer by trade and also can handle most hardware issues. I am the Manager of IT at a local Medical company and have had to wear may hats, actually all hats so I feel like I can help them as well.
I need to know how to approach them knowing little about their actual day to day routine. They seem very open to any suggestions that I have, especially considering my living in the save village.

When you have spent all day trying to work through a problem, it is best to take a step back, reevaluate the problem, then work on the next project and never let the old one show its ugly face again!!
Research their exsisting web site. Get an idea of their capacity and what type of infrastructure they would need to support it. Get an idea of possible 3rd parties you would have to deal with and get feel for the costs on their side.

What you basically need to do is a request for tender without an actual tender. This means doing cost benifit analysis, risk assessments, etc. Show them why you would be better then this other organisation for the piece of the pie that you want.

You might want to start small to get your foot in the door and get more information then goto tackle larger issues.

This could mean showing them a prototype of their web site as you see it. Don't go overboard just give them a few bits to see the possibilities. Document these possibilities in general in a executive statement attached to a phase 0 analysis that goes more into the detail.

Big thing is check out their personal indemnity requirements. At the end of the day if they have a 20 million dollar indemnity insurance requirement you maybe out of the running right there.

One thing I'd definately try to do is get any information on legislation they must comply to as far as making information accessible on the web. Find out if they are making good strides towards this. Where you see they are lacking target that area. If federal government say "All government application forms must be accessible via electronic means by 2005" and you know they are not at compliance include how you could meet that target in your proposal.

Once you get in there, via what ever area you want to focus on at first, you can start looking at other areas because you'll have a better view of the situation. Like if you went in there as their Web developer you could look at hosting later.

Hope I've been helpful,
Wayne Francis

If you want to get the best response to a question, please check out FAQ222-2244 first
Best short book on the subject is "Don't Send A Resume", available pretty much everywhere from under $5.00 (I paid $16.95 plus tax at an airport bookstore and don't regret it!!)...

Senior Microsoft Consultant
CTE, MCIWD, i-Net+, Network+
(MCSE-W2K in progress)
Another option to consider is one approach I used for a government office I did some work for. Instead of any type of employment contract or tender, I suggested that they open up a Purchase Order with a limit that they can authorize locally. That way, I just billed my time against the PO and when it was used up, they just reapplied for another PO. I worked like that for over 2 years with no problems, no hassle regarding conflict of interest and as I saw other things I could do to help, I was able to help them out without worrying about wether it was in the scope of my contract.
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