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self join question

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Sep 24, 2002
I think what I need is a self join, I'm just uncertain how to structure this. Here is the english.

I have one table. From that table I want

member name
member rx label

this information is found in several different records in the same table, but in the end I want only one line per member per rx label with the earlies rx date and the latest prescribing doc

Like I said, I think I can accomplish this with a self join, but I'm not sure how. Can anyone help?
Try This:

SELECT T1.name,T1.label,T1.rxdate, T1.pdoc from mytable T1
WHERE t1.rxdate IN ( Select Top 1 T2.rxdate from mytable T2 WHERE T1.name=T2.name Order By t2.rxdate ASC)

How do you identify the latest doc???

by looking at all of the rx dates and returning the doc that corresponds to the max(rxdate), that is the part that I am having the most trouble with, so I could have a scenario like this

Joe Smith Aspirin 1/1/2005 Dr. Jones
Joe Smith Aspirin 1/5/2005 Dr. Smith
Joe Smith Aspirin 2/1/2005 Dr. Mary

So for the one record I'd like to see, it would be

Joe Smith Aspirin 1/1/2005 Dr. Mary

the earliest rx date and the doc that belongs to the latest rx date

does that make sense?
Try this:

SELECT name,
	MIN(date) AS earliestdate,
		SELECT doc FROM table
		WHERE name = t1.name
			AND label = t1.label
			AND date = (
					SELECT MAX(date) FROM table
					WHERE name = t1.name
						AND label = t1.label
	) AS latestdoc
FROM table t1
GROUP BY name, label

I just tried something very similar but I don't think I am accounting for all criteria that I need to be because I am seeing occassional dup meds for the same member... I've trimmed everything, too to make sure I'm not just seeing it b/c of extra spaces, etc...

select member.AALASTNM, member.aafname, rx.labelname as [memberrx],
--rx.labelname as [Current Medication],
min(dispdate) as earliest_date,
-- this gets the most recent deano
(select deano from pha.dbo.tbl_paidclaims where dispdate =
( select max(dispdate)
from pha.dbo.tbl_paidclaims where subsid = rx.subsid and persno = rx.persno
and labelname = rx.labelname
group by labelname )
and subsid = rx.subsid and persno= rx.persno
and labelname = rx.labelname
group by deano ) as [most recent ] ,
deamap.ppfname as [Prescribing First Name],
deamap.pplname as [Prescribing Last Name]
from pha.dbo.tbl_paidclaims as rx
left join nhpri_diam_ds01.dbo.tbl_CurrentMemberDimension as member
on left(rx.subsid,12) = member.aasubno and left(rx.persno,2) = member.aapersno
join nhpri_diam_ds01.dbo.rxphys as deamap
on deamap.deano = rx.deano
where member.eligibility_flag = 1
and rx.groupno in ('5100', '5211')
group by member.aalastnm, member.aafname, rx.subsid, rx.persno,
rx.labelname, rx.dob, rx.deano, deamap.ppfname,
deamap.pplname, rx.groupno

Can you tell me if you think you can see what I may be missing?
ok, I've modified this a little bit to put the subquery in the ON clause instead.

Does this not makes sense to do?

select member.AALASTNM, member.aafname, rtrim(ltrim(rx.labelname)) as [memberrx],
--rx.labelname as [Current Medication],
min(dispdate) as earliest_date,
deamap.ppfname as [Prescribing First Name],
deamap.pplname as [Prescribing Last Name]
from pha.dbo.tbl_paidclaims as rx
left join nhpri_diam_ds01.dbo.tbl_CurrentMemberDimension as member
on left(rx.subsid,12) = member.aasubno and left(rx.persno,2) = member.aapersno
join nhpri_diam_ds01.dbo.rxphys as deamap
on deamap.deano =

(select deano from pha.dbo.tbl_paidclaims where dispdate =
( select max(dispdate)
from pha.dbo.tbl_paidclaims
where subsid = rx.subsid and persno = rx.persno
and rtrim(ltrim(labelname)) = rtrim(ltrim(rx.labelname))
group by rtrim(ltrim( labelname )))
and subsid = rx.subsid and persno= rx.persno
and rtrim(ltrim( labelname )) = rtrim(ltrim(rx.labelname))
group by deano )

----------------------------------END SUBQUERY

where member.eligibility_flag = 1
and rx.groupno in ('5100', '5211')
group by member.aalastnm, member.aafname, rx.subsid, rx.persno,
rtrim(ltrim( rx.labelname)), rx.dob, rx.deano, deamap.ppfname,
deamap.pplname, rx.groupno
order by member.aalastnm asc, member.aafname asc

Try swapping around your select statement so that the meds are first in the select list and use the DISTINCT keyword with it. If you're still getting duplicate name/meds records, the reason is you're pulling another field(s) that are unique, which makes the entire recordset unique, even though the name & med label are the same. At that point, the only way to get a truly distinct record set is to pare off the unique fields until you get the distinct name/meds combination you want.

Catadmin - MCDBA, MCSA
"If a person is Microsoft Certified, does that mean that Microsoft pays the bills for the funny white jackets that tie in the back???
I had that in the beginning and that didn't make much difference in eliminating the dups, but here is what I did that DID give me the results that I was after, just in case someone is interested for any future issues...

select member.aalastnm, member.aafname, rx.labelname,
--rx.labelname as [Current Medication],
cast(min(dispdate) as varchar) as earliest_date,
deamap.ppfname as [Prescribing First Name],
deamap.pplname as [Prescribing Last Name],
member.abgrup as [Group Number],
member.absubno + '-' + member.abpersno as [Member ID],
member.aassan as [SSN],
cast(member.aadob as varchar) as [Date of Birth]

from pha.dbo.tbl_paidclaims as rx
left join nhpri_diam_ds01.dbo.tbl_CurrentMemberDimension as member
on left(rx.subsid,12) = member.aasubno and left(rx.persno,2) = member.aapersno
join nhpri_diam_ds01.dbo.rxphys as deamap
on deamap.deano =
(select deano from pha.dbo.tbl_paidclaims where dispdate =
( select max(dispdate)
from pha.dbo.tbl_paidclaims
where subsid = rx.subsid and persno = rx.persno
and rtrim(ltrim(labelname)) = rtrim(ltrim(rx.labelname))
group by rtrim(ltrim( labelname )))
and subsid = rx.subsid and persno= rx.persno
and rtrim(ltrim( labelname )) = rtrim(ltrim(rx.labelname))
group by deano )

where member.eligibility_flag = 1
and rx.groupno in ('5100', '5211')
group by member.AALASTNM, member.aafname, rx.labelname, deamap.ppfname,
member.absubno, member.abpersno,

order by member.AALASTNM + ', '+ member.aafname + ' ' + rtrim(ltrim(rx.labelname))

Thanks to everyone who repsonded, your input was valuable to me.

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