Selector codes are used for many different things, you can have them point to a specific ext. or groups, you can have them point to a mailbox, you can have them do a centrex transfer, you can have them point to submenu's,but if your vm is answering your calls and the caller is transfering themselves to the extensions you need the selector code to be set for direct ext. dial, so if all your exts. start with a 1 selector code 1 needs to be direct ext. transfer and if you have exts. that start 2, 2 would need to be the same thing. I hope this helps!
Imagine this, the VM answers and says "press 4 for sales, press 5 to hear a duck quack" the selector codes acomplish the transfers. If sales is a group, you can set SC 4 to transfer to 71, and add all sales exts to calling group 1. Then all the sales exts will ring.
To hear a duck quack, set SC 5 to go to a sub menu, then create an announcement in a sub menu that sounds like a duck quacking. When hey press five, they will hear a duck quack.
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