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Selectively displaying tr tags

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Oct 18, 2001
I am looking for the "best" way to selectively display tr tags. Originally I used getElementById() and display = none/inline, but that only works on an individual element basis. I would like to be able to apply this to multiple rows at a time. So basically I would be able to display or not display a whole block of rows based on the value of a drop list.

I am comfortable with the javascript and html part, it's the css and the specific javascript collections and methods I need help with.
There may be a better solution, because this one is kinda complicated. But the first thing that came to my mind is using classes, and getting to them by looping through IDs. For example.

<tr><tr id=&quot;td1&quot;></td></tr>
<tr><tr id=&quot;td2&quot;></td></tr>
<tr><tr id=&quot;td3&quot;></td></tr>
<tr><tr id=&quot;td4&quot;></td></tr>

for (i=1;i<5;i++){
if (document.getElementById(&quot;td&quot; + i).className = &quot;someName&quot;){
document.getElementById(&quot;td&quot; + i).style.display = none;
}elseif (document.getElementById(&quot;td&quot; + i).className = &quot;someOtherName&quot;){
document.getElementById(&quot;td&quot; + i).style.display = inline;

That should work in my head. But I warn you, I'm a asp/vbscript programmer, so I may have screwed up some of the js syntax. So, if you can find nothing simpler, this may do your job.
Thanks. That type of thing seems to work here too. I did it a little more flexibly by putting each of the element id's in the value of a select and then split them using js. That seems to work fine in IE, but it doesn't display well in NS6. I think there is a problem with tr's and id's but I just don't know enough about what is supported in css.

<select name=&quot;select1&quot; onChange=&quot;changeVisibility();&quot;>
<option value=&quot;cc0,cc1,cc2&quot; selected>Credit Card</option>
<option value=&quot;ach0,ach1,ach2&quot;>ACH</option>
<option value=&quot;gc0,gc1,gc2&quot;>Gift Card</option>

<script language=&quot;javascript&quot;>
function changeVisibility()
var oSelect = document.form1.select1;
var oOptions = oSelect.options;
var selectedInd = oSelect.selectedIndex;

for (var i = 0; i < oOptions.length; i++)
var elementIds = oOptions.value.split(&quot;,&quot;);

if (i == selectedInd)
for (var j = 0; j < elementIds.length; j++)
var evalString = &quot;document.getElementById('&quot; + elementIds[j] + &quot;').style.display = 'inline'&quot;;
for (var j = 0; j < elementIds.length; j++)
var evalString = &quot;document.getElementById('&quot; + elementIds[j] + &quot;').style.display = 'none'&quot;;

oSelect.selectedIndex = selectedInd;

Thanks for the help. I found that Netscape supports 'table-row' and IE supports 'inline'. I'm not sure about other browsers. Here's the code I ended up using:

<script language=&quot;javascript&quot;>
function changeVisibility()
var oSelect = document.form1.select1;
var oOptions = oSelect.options;
var selectedInd = oSelect.selectedIndex;

for (var i = 0; i < oOptions.length; i++)
var elementIds = oOptions.value.split(&quot;,&quot;);

if (i == selectedInd)
for (var j = 0; j < elementIds.length; j++)
var evalString = getEvalString(elementIds[j], true);
for (var j = 0; j < elementIds.length; j++)
var evalString = getEvalString(elementIds[j], false);

oSelect.selectedIndex = selectedInd;

function getEvalString(pElementId, pShouldDisplay)
var evalString = &quot;document.getElementById('&quot; + pElementId + &quot;').style.display = &quot;;
if (pShouldDisplay)
if (navigator.appName.indexOf(&quot;Microsoft&quot;)!=-1)
evalString += &quot;'inline'&quot;;
evalString += &quot;'table-row'&quot;;
evalString += &quot;'none'&quot;;

return evalString;
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