Can someone please tell me why my If statements inside the .edit/.update statements refering to a null string are always "false" even if the field is null. I've also tried to use NULL instead of "" (that's how i first tried the code) anyways.. this code works other than the if statements, I originally had this modifying the records in a query that was generated, but now I want to remove the query and use the module by it determining if the fields are empty.
Cruz'n and Booz'n always.
This post shows what little I do at work.
If myRecordSet.BOF = True Then Exit Sub
With myRecordSet
If .RecordCount Then
Do Until myRecordSet.EOF
If !Opening = "" Then
!Opening = "Enclosed is a copy of the check we used to pay the " & month & " " & year & " invoice, which you reported not receiving, please refer to the following information."
End If
If !Signature = "" Then
!Signature = Name
End If
If !Closing = "" Then
!Closing = "Thank you for looking into this matter, if you have any problems, please feel free to call me at XXX-XXX-XXX."
End If
End If
This post shows what little I do at work.