Have a vb6 database program using an mdb as the data file. In one particular process I want to print selected records using a listview with check boxes.
The code that causes the printing
The problem is when the msgbox iID is removed the last record is not printed. If only one box is checked, therefore, nothing is printed.
This is a puzzlement to me and any help is appreciated. Thank you.

The code that causes the printing
Private Sub mnuFilePrint_Click()
Set cCol = New Collection
For Each xItem In lvwPrintNameTag.ListItems
If xItem.Checked Then
cCol.Add xItem.Text, xItem.Text
End If
If cCol.Count = 0 Then
MsgBox "Nothing checked", vbInformation
Exit Sub
For i = 1 To cCol.Count
iID = cCol.Item(i)
cData.FindOneName iID, mMem
mMem.PrintNameTag = True
cData.UpdateMembers iID, mMem
MsgBox iID
Next i
End Sub
This is a puzzlement to me and any help is appreciated. Thank you.