I want a report the shows Part Numbers that have had activity in any one of three date fields that during a date range.
I have the following.
PartNum which is the partnumber..
Date1 which is a partnumber revison date..
Date2 which is the last date the partnumber sold..
Date3 which is the last date this item was added to inventory..
If any of these date fields fall between the currentdate-547 and currentdate-730 (that would be between a 1 1/2 and 2 years ago) I need the Partnumber to show on the report. I am at a loss on how to put all of that into the selection formula.
I have the following.
PartNum which is the partnumber..
Date1 which is a partnumber revison date..
Date2 which is the last date the partnumber sold..
Date3 which is the last date this item was added to inventory..
If any of these date fields fall between the currentdate-547 and currentdate-730 (that would be between a 1 1/2 and 2 years ago) I need the Partnumber to show on the report. I am at a loss on how to put all of that into the selection formula.