My report pulls from a view that contains an outer join on the date field... some of the items I'm reporting on have a date, others do not. I want to display all items regardless of the date, however if the item DOES have a date I want to be able to restrict it using a {?DaysBack} parameter. Here is my selection formula...
DateDiff ("d",{rpt.MyDate},CurrentDate) <= {?DaysBack}
This formula works in restricting the date by the {?DaysBack} parameter, however it is not reporting the items that have NULL dates. I tried adding the following but it didn't work...
DateDiff ("d",{rpt.MyDate},CurrentDate) <= {?DaysBack}
OR IsNull ({rpt.MyDate})
DateDiff ("d",{rpt.MyDate},CurrentDate) <= {?DaysBack}
This formula works in restricting the date by the {?DaysBack} parameter, however it is not reporting the items that have NULL dates. I tried adding the following but it didn't work...
DateDiff ("d",{rpt.MyDate},CurrentDate) <= {?DaysBack}
OR IsNull ({rpt.MyDate})