This is my original code which selects all the assumptions that ahve not been chosen by the user:
SELECT tblAssumptions .*
FROM tblAssumptions LEFT JOIN tblTransAssumptions ON tblAssumptions.numAssumptionID = tblTransAssumptions.numAssumptionID
WHERE (((tblTransAssumptions.numAssumptionID) Is Null));
The following code selects all the assumptions that the Client has selected as well as the category and name of category the assumption belongs to. What I now need is basically the same thing as above, only including this client and category information:
SELECT tblAssumptionCats.*, tblAssumptions.strAssumption, tblAssumptions.numAssumptionCatID, tblClients.strClientName, tblTransAssumptions.*
FROM tblClients INNER JOIN ((tblAssumptionCats INNER JOIN tblAssumptions ON tblAssumptionCats.numAssumptionCatID = tblAssumptions.numAssumptionCatID) INNER JOIN tblTransAssumptions ON tblAssumptions.numAssumptionID = tblTransAssumptions.numAssumptionID) ON tblClients.numTransactionID = tblTransAssumptions.numTransactionID;
A nice complex query I cant seem to find a way to select everything that the client has not selected. Any suggestions?
SELECT tblAssumptions .*
FROM tblAssumptions LEFT JOIN tblTransAssumptions ON tblAssumptions.numAssumptionID = tblTransAssumptions.numAssumptionID
WHERE (((tblTransAssumptions.numAssumptionID) Is Null));
The following code selects all the assumptions that the Client has selected as well as the category and name of category the assumption belongs to. What I now need is basically the same thing as above, only including this client and category information:
SELECT tblAssumptionCats.*, tblAssumptions.strAssumption, tblAssumptions.numAssumptionCatID, tblClients.strClientName, tblTransAssumptions.*
FROM tblClients INNER JOIN ((tblAssumptionCats INNER JOIN tblAssumptions ON tblAssumptionCats.numAssumptionCatID = tblAssumptions.numAssumptionCatID) INNER JOIN tblTransAssumptions ON tblAssumptions.numAssumptionID = tblTransAssumptions.numAssumptionID) ON tblClients.numTransactionID = tblTransAssumptions.numTransactionID;
A nice complex query I cant seem to find a way to select everything that the client has not selected. Any suggestions?