Does anyone know how to select a series of records into one field in a query. I have a one to many relationship, and I want to retrive all of the many's into one field for a report.
You can't do such a thing!
use something like this (this is a pl/sql solution)
TYPE generic_curtype IS REF CURSOR;
my_cursor generic_curtype;
rate_unit_cr_cursor_row number;
v varchar2(10):='';
open my_cursor for
select * from test1;
exit when my_cursor%notfound;
fetch my_cursor into rate_unit_cr_cursor_row;
end loop;
close my_cursor;
it is a cursor that will do the trick...
Good luck!
I have three tables day, vendors, and dayVendors, linking the the vendors to the days. I would like to report all the vendors that supply each day as one record:
Day1 - vendor x, vendor y, vendor z
Day2 - vendor x, vendor a, vendor b
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