Technical User
- Feb 4, 2002
- 193
I am trying to write a script to Ask the user to:
1. Select a ProComm Directory from a Dropdown box
2. Select a Folder from within the Directory (i.e. Switches, VoiceMails).
3. Set off a subscript to dail all Entries (when connected execute the Export.wax script).
Needless to say I could use some help
1. How do I get the List box to point to the correct directory.
2. Once the file has been selected I assume a DIALLOAD will load the directory.
3. How do I diplay the list of Folder witin the Directory.
4. Finally how do i get procomm to dial each entry and execute the Export.wax script.
I think I have the basic format.
However, it has been a long time since I wrote aspect script.
Here is part of the Script I have so Far:
proc main
string DirName, FNameVar1
string SelectVar1, ListItem
string FNameVar1, SelectVar2
integer count = 0, len = 0, Event, nItem = 0
case 103 ; MultiSite ProComm Directory was chosen.
dlgdestroy 100 CANCEL ; Destroy the dialog box.
usermsg "RUN MultiSite ProComm Directory Selection"
dialogbox 0 193 54 238 199 2 " CBX MultiDial ProComm Group Select"
groupbox 3 13 2 214 36 "ProComm Group Folder Select"
flistbox 4 31 17 182 13 FNameVar1 SINGLE SelectVar1
pushbutton 13 61 174 53 14 "Run"
pushbutton 15 147 174 53 14 "&Exit"
while 1
dlgevent 0 Event ; Get the dialog event.
switch Event ; Evaluate the event.
case 0 ; No event occurred.
case 3 ; Something was chosen.
usermsg "`"%s`" selected!" ListItem
case 4 ; Something was chosen.
usermsg "`"%s`" selected!" ListItem
case 13 ; RUN was chosen.
usermsg "RUN selected!"
case 15 ; EXIT was chosen.
usermsg "EXIT selected!"
default ; Exit case chosen.
exitwhile ; Exit the loop.
dlgdestroy 0 CANCEL ; Destroy the dialog box.
case 107 ; Something was chosen.
exitwhile ; Exit the loop.
default ; Exit case chosen.
dlgdestroy 100 CANCEL ; Destroy the dialog box.
1. Select a ProComm Directory from a Dropdown box
2. Select a Folder from within the Directory (i.e. Switches, VoiceMails).
3. Set off a subscript to dail all Entries (when connected execute the Export.wax script).
Needless to say I could use some help
1. How do I get the List box to point to the correct directory.
2. Once the file has been selected I assume a DIALLOAD will load the directory.
3. How do I diplay the list of Folder witin the Directory.
4. Finally how do i get procomm to dial each entry and execute the Export.wax script.
I think I have the basic format.
However, it has been a long time since I wrote aspect script.
Here is part of the Script I have so Far:
proc main
string DirName, FNameVar1
string SelectVar1, ListItem
string FNameVar1, SelectVar2
integer count = 0, len = 0, Event, nItem = 0
case 103 ; MultiSite ProComm Directory was chosen.
dlgdestroy 100 CANCEL ; Destroy the dialog box.
usermsg "RUN MultiSite ProComm Directory Selection"
dialogbox 0 193 54 238 199 2 " CBX MultiDial ProComm Group Select"
groupbox 3 13 2 214 36 "ProComm Group Folder Select"
flistbox 4 31 17 182 13 FNameVar1 SINGLE SelectVar1
pushbutton 13 61 174 53 14 "Run"
pushbutton 15 147 174 53 14 "&Exit"
while 1
dlgevent 0 Event ; Get the dialog event.
switch Event ; Evaluate the event.
case 0 ; No event occurred.
case 3 ; Something was chosen.
usermsg "`"%s`" selected!" ListItem
case 4 ; Something was chosen.
usermsg "`"%s`" selected!" ListItem
case 13 ; RUN was chosen.
usermsg "RUN selected!"
case 15 ; EXIT was chosen.
usermsg "EXIT selected!"
default ; Exit case chosen.
exitwhile ; Exit the loop.
dlgdestroy 0 CANCEL ; Destroy the dialog box.
case 107 ; Something was chosen.
exitwhile ; Exit the loop.
default ; Exit case chosen.
dlgdestroy 100 CANCEL ; Destroy the dialog box.