Need some help here, trying to set a parameter based on a product field, where the user can type in the product number (i.e. FC-104) which is contained in a 255 Character String. Anybody have any ideas?
When the user is prompted they need to be able to type in 'FC-786F' or 'S15' and bring up the entire field. All the fields are of different lengths with the product ID (FC-786F) being quite different also, but always at the end of the field. Is this possible.
The InStr function is probably what you want to look at. I think Ken was trying to find out what version number of SCR you have, because the InStr function is not present in all versions.
For faster, more precise answers, at least include your version number. Malcolm
Remember, if it wasn't for electricity, we'd be surfing the net by candlelight.
What build?
Just kidding - that's not nearly as challenging as someone using v2. The InStr function will tell you where the first occurance of the first character of a search string occurs in a target string. If result is 1 or greater, then the search string is in the target string. Malcolm
Remember, if it wasn't for electricity, we'd be surfing the net by candlelight.
Strom99: As you have v8 you also have the InStrRev function - does exactly what you want - searches the string from other end i.e. S15 would return 3 David C. Monks
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