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.SelectedItem = Nothing Problem

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Dec 3, 2004
When using a data_reader I have no problem using the _Leave method to set .SelectedItem = Nothing to eliminate the highlighted blue.

However, when using a data_adapter I am having a terribly difficult time getting rid of the highlight. I "fixed" the problem using:

monitorListBox.SelectedIndex = -1
monitorListBox.SelectedItem = Nothing

but then when I do other things I get an ugly reset since there is technically a _SelectedIndexChanged event. Additionally, I have also tried _LostFocus - no luck there either.

Anybody know how to rid the highlight from a listbox using a data_adapter binding?
I'm having the same issue -- and have close to the same workarounds...I use the .SelectedIndex = -1
and I also remove and add the listboxes when I need to workaround this -- but there must be a better way.

I need to use the dataadapter so I can get both displaymember and a valuemember. Does anyone know a way to solve this or a better way to go about this?
This is the part where Chiph and I grumble about binding data to GUI objects...

But for a quick fix that might work, try setting the listbox.visible = false when you switch records if the index is -1. then after the move is complete, set it back to true.


ThatRickGuy -

Good idea, but when I reset it to visible the blue selected box still shows.

Are you aware of the ability use .DisplayMember & .ValueMember without using a dataAdapter? I've played around and the IDE gives me the ability, but I cannot get it to work.

Hey -- I came across some code here:

I took the code and modified it for my needs. The .Displaymember is working correctly, the issue is that the valuemember is returning the text "ValueName" -- instead of the actual value I am assigning to it. Can someone take a look and see if there is anything obvious I am missing:

Dim mtrLbl As String
Dim mtrID As Integer
Do While db_reader.Read
    mtrLbl = db_reader.Item(0).ToString
    mtrID = db_reader.Item(1).ToString
    MsgBox(mtrID) 'This will be the valumember and reads correctly
    arrNumber.Add(New ListAssigner(mtrID, mtrLbl))

 listBoxMonitors.DataSource = arrNumber
 listBoxMonitors.DisplayMember = "DisplayName"
 listBoxMonitors.ValueMember = "ValueName"

The it hits a class (ListAssigner):

Public Class ListAssigner

    Private gstrValueName As String
    Private gstrDisplayName As String

    Public Sub New(ByVal strValueName As String, ByVal strDisplayName As String)
        Me.gstrValueName = strValueName
        Me.gstrDisplayName = strDisplayName
    End Sub

    Public ReadOnly Property ValueName() As String
            Return gstrValueName
        End Get
    End Property

    Public ReadOnly Property DisplayName() As String
            Return gstrDisplayName
        End Get
    End Property

End Class

I thought maybe it wouldn't work because my valuemember is an integer instead of the string in the example -- but that doesn't seem to be it....I'll keep working on this -- but hopefully someone with better skills can scan this and point me in the right direction.


I got it -- but is still selected the top row by default....

The code works -- it was my messagebox to see the value that was incorrect:

use this to pull the selected value from the listbox:
mtrID = Me.listBoxMonitors.SelectedValue

Still no solution yet....

For the record, I finally got this (and posted the result to another thread but wanted to save the solution here for future searches:

Unfortunately, I forgot to keep the original authors info to give him/her credit....

I built a class called itemclass:

Public Class itemclass
    Public name As String
    Public id As Integer
    Public Sub New(ByVal inName As String, ByVal inid As Integer)
        name = inName
        id = inid
    End Sub
    Public Overrides Function tostring() As String
        Return name
    End Function
End Class

Then just added the class to the listbox through the datareader:
Private Sub listBoxRepFill(ByVal unit As String)
        'execute the query
        Dim cmd As New OleDb.OleDbCommand("SELECT displayitem,value from table",objConn)
        Dim db_reader As OleDb.OleDbDataReader = cmd.ExecuteReader(CommandBehavior.Default)
        Do While db_reader.Read
            With listBoxRep.Items
                .Add(New itemclass(db_reader.Item(0).ToString, db_reader.Item(1).ToString))
            End With
    End Sub

Then I return the selected value (the integer associated with the string displayed value) through:
Dim mtrID
Dim selitem As itemclass = CType(listBoxMonitors.SelectedItem, itemclass)
mtrID = selitem.id
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