When I populate list box with server-side scripts like:
<select size="1" name="selSport">
<% Do While Not rsCategory.EOF%>
<option <%Response.Write(strSelected)%>
value=<% =rsCategory("CategoryID" %>><% =rsCategory ("CategoryName"%>
<% rsCategory.MoveNext %>
<% Loop %>
Then I would like to select item in the list box and resubmit the form to itself. The list box displays first item but how can it display the item that was selected before the form was submitted?
<select size="1" name="selSport">
<% Do While Not rsCategory.EOF%>
<option <%Response.Write(strSelected)%>
value=<% =rsCategory("CategoryID" %>><% =rsCategory ("CategoryName"%>
<% rsCategory.MoveNext %>
<% Loop %>
Then I would like to select item in the list box and resubmit the form to itself. The list box displays first item but how can it display the item that was selected before the form was submitted?