hmm... good point. well, in my situation, it's a list of employees, and the only time they'd be in there twice is if they're listed under 2 departments, like:
Bob Jones - Executives
Bob Jones - Lending
The only reason they're listed twice is to make them easier to find. Some people would look under Executives and others may look under Lending, so we put them in both places.
In the case that i'm trying now, I actually won't be displaying the department, but I will be displaying their photo, and unfortunately, they're photo won't be the same value in the database, however it will be the same photo, so the one associated with the first record will be fine.
I guess is there a way to select the first of each group, kinda like Distinct?
well, that actually led me to Group by, and I think that's going to work for this situation. I'm not quite sure how group by works in any other circumstance, but for mine, i'm able to group by f_name, l_name, and ext.
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