i have to select review_dt from table events where flow_no is minimum, and i also have to select effect_dt from same table where flow_no is maximum, is there any other way of doing it instead of using UNION? thanks a lot!
I got a syntax error on your code, Angiole. The following seems to work:
Select (select rev_dt
from table1
Where flow_no = (Select min(flow_no)
From table 1) ) ,
(select eff_dt
from table1
Where flow_no = (Select max(flow_no)
From table 1) )
From Table1
where flow_no = (Select min(flow_no)
From table 1)
Or flow_no = (Select max(flow_no)
From table 1)
I don't know how this fits in with the rest of your query of course.
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