Using Oracle 10g. and need help to select the lastest record.
Data looks like this:
ID LastDate Quarter Product Status Rate PriorID
150256 17-Aug-10 20091 366 101 2.786 133342
133342 2-Nov-09 20091 366 101 3.04693 Null
I need to show the row with Lastdate as 2-Nov-09, ID being the primary key
Please advice and Thanks in advance,
Using Oracle 10g. and need help to select the lastest record.
Data looks like this:
ID LastDate Quarter Product Status Rate PriorID
150256 17-Aug-10 20091 366 101 2.786 133342
133342 2-Nov-09 20091 366 101 3.04693 Null
I need to show the row with Lastdate as 2-Nov-09, ID being the primary key
Please advice and Thanks in advance,