hi gang.. i want to select sum of a particular field in my tale, so my code look like this..
Set Conn = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Connection"
Conn.Open "DSN=project;UID=root;pwd="
Query1 = "SELECT sum(invonhand) from store where status ='SQ' and productitem = '"& RS("productitem" &"'"
Set RS1= Conn.Execute(Query1)
the problem is i don't know how to output the result..
i tried this two method but cannot get the output.. it shows error message
1) response.write RS1
2) output = RS1("invonhand"
please help..
thanks a lot..
Set Conn = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Connection"
Conn.Open "DSN=project;UID=root;pwd="
Query1 = "SELECT sum(invonhand) from store where status ='SQ' and productitem = '"& RS("productitem" &"'"
Set RS1= Conn.Execute(Query1)
the problem is i don't know how to output the result..
i tried this two method but cannot get the output.. it shows error message
1) response.write RS1
2) output = RS1("invonhand"
please help..
thanks a lot..