Ran into this and there may be an easy way to solve but I cannot seem to find it. Any help is appreciated. I have a list of order and the qty that the requested. However some of the order are for the finigh goods item and the components that make that finish item. So for example I have a display with 3 components. What I need is aa way to select only the finish good item if it has qty on it or the components if the finish good does not have a qty on it
Here is an example of the data nad what the expected results are
For order 000125 I would need only the Display 1 record sicne they are ordering 1 display
For order 000985 I would need both records since there is no display record for it
Any help with this is appreciated
Ran into this and there may be an easy way to solve but I cannot seem to find it. Any help is appreciated. I have a list of order and the qty that the requested. However some of the order are for the finigh goods item and the components that make that finish item. So for example I have a display with 3 components. What I need is aa way to select only the finish good item if it has qty on it or the components if the finish good does not have a qty on it
Here is an example of the data nad what the expected results are
Order Item Component Qty Finigh item Qty
000125 Display 1 0 1
000125 Component 1 10 0
000125 Component 2 15 0
000125 Component 3 5 0
000985 Component 1 10 0
000985 Component 2 15 0
For order 000125 I would need only the Display 1 record sicne they are ordering 1 display
000125 Display 1 0 1
000985 Component 1 10 0
000985 Component 2 15 0
Any help with this is appreciated