I have a Main report in an Excel sheet with several pivot tables and pivot chart where common dimensions are available.
To prepare a summary of some combinations of Product and Markets, I need a macro that will select options in the different pivot charts, makes a copy in a blank sheet and print it. The option will be in an Access table, and the code will run based on a query on this table in Access VBA.
At this stage, the code I prepared works one time, then blocks if want to re-run it (at the "ActiveChart line of the first procedure). As the idea is to make a loop on several combinations of Product and Market this is a problem.
Here is an extract of the code
I don't know why it is not working more tha one time (I have to close the application and restart everything, then it works again).
Is it due to the fact that I use two Workbook objects (wb and wb2) and that each of them have an "ActiveChart" during the process ? If this is the case how could I reinitiate everything at the end of the process so that new values for variable "Product" and Market" could work ?
Any suggestion is welcome. Maybe there is another (easier) way to reach the same result ...
I have a Main report in an Excel sheet with several pivot tables and pivot chart where common dimensions are available.
To prepare a summary of some combinations of Product and Markets, I need a macro that will select options in the different pivot charts, makes a copy in a blank sheet and print it. The option will be in an Access table, and the code will run based on a query on this table in Access VBA.
At this stage, the code I prepared works one time, then blocks if want to re-run it (at the "ActiveChart line of the first procedure). As the idea is to make a loop on several combinations of Product and Market this is a problem.
Here is an extract of the code
Public Proc1
Set wb = app.Workbooks.Open("MainReport.xls")
strProduct = "Abc"
strMarCurr = "(All)"
Set ws = wb.Sheets("ChartDepot")
ws.ChartObjects("Chart 1").Activate
With ActiveChart.PivotLayout.PivotTable
.PivotFields("Product ").CurrentPage = strProduct
.PivotFields("Market").CurrentPage = strMarCurr
.PivotFields("Segment").Orientation = xlPageField
.PivotFields("Segment").Position = 1
.PivotFields("Market").Orientation = xlColumnField
.PivotFields("Market").AutoSort xlDescending, "Data"
End With
Call WriteDepotChart
End Sub
Public Sub WriteDepotChart()
'opens a blank workbook
Set wb2 = app.Workbooks.Add
wb2.SaveAs ("Abc_All.xls")
Set ws2 = wb2.Sheets("Sheet1")
'copy Data Chart
'wb.ActiveWindow.Visible = False
'format Data Chart
ws2.ChartObjects("Chart 1").Activate
Selection.Width = 577
ActiveChart.Legend.Left = 598
ActiveChart.Legend.Width = 68
ws2.DrawingObjects("Chart 1").Placement = xlFreeFloating
ws2.DrawingObjects("Chart 1").PrintObject = True
ws2.DrawingObjects("Chart 1").Locked = True
End Sub
I don't know why it is not working more tha one time (I have to close the application and restart everything, then it works again).
Is it due to the fact that I use two Workbook objects (wb and wb2) and that each of them have an "ActiveChart" during the process ? If this is the case how could I reinitiate everything at the end of the process so that new values for variable "Product" and Market" could work ?
Any suggestion is welcome. Maybe there is another (easier) way to reach the same result ...