I am trying to select a value from the list control. If the user select "ALL" I would like to pass the value to my sql statement. if the user select more than one value, I would like to separte the values in comma and pass to the query. I have the code below and my problem is it is not passing "ALL" when the user select it from the list control to the query. please help
Sub WriteState()
Dim VendorState As String = "select distinct state optVal, (state ||' : '||func_get_state_desc(state)) optTxt from refvendoraddress where state is not null "
VendorState = VendorState & " order by state "
Dim dapVendorState As OracleDataAdapter = New OracleDataAdapter(VendorState, GetConnectionString)
Dim dsVendorState As DataSet = New DataSet
dapVendorState.Fill(dsVendorState, "Vendorcity")
lstState.DataSource = dsVendorState
lstState.DataTextField = "optTxt"
lstState.DataValueField = "optVal"
lstState.Width = "300"
lstState.Items.Insert(0, New System.Web.UI.WebControls.ListItem("ALL", 0))
lstState.Items.FindByValue(0).Selected = True
End Sub
For Each liCntState In lstState.Items
If liCntState.Selected Then
strStates = liCntState.Value
strStates = strStates & "'" & liCntState.Value & "'" & ","
End If
If (strStates.Length > 0) Then 'And lstcontrcvd.SelectedIndex <> 0) Then
If strStates = "0" Then
strStates = Left(strStates, strStates.Length - 1)
strStates = Left(strStates, strStates.Length - 1)
strStates = "(" & strStates & ")"
End If
End If