Seems to me that there was a funtion somewhere that returned the greater of two parameters, like:
biggerOf(1, 5) = 5... or
biggerOf(0, -1) = 0
I want to set a zero baseline, but I cannot recall the quick way (if ever there was one).
dang, i'm gettin' old
[red]Note:[/red] [gray]The above comments are the opinionated ravings of Mr3Putt. As such, Mr3Putt accepts no responsibility for damages, real or contrived, resulting from acceptance of his opinions as fact.[/gray]
biggerOf(1, 5) = 5... or
biggerOf(0, -1) = 0
I want to set a zero baseline, but I cannot recall the quick way (if ever there was one).
dang, i'm gettin' old
[red]Note:[/red] [gray]The above comments are the opinionated ravings of Mr3Putt. As such, Mr3Putt accepts no responsibility for damages, real or contrived, resulting from acceptance of his opinions as fact.[/gray]