Do a count using a running total. Reset it for each group. Suppress detail lines where the running-total count is greater than 3.
Right-click on a field and choose Insert to get a choice of Running Total or Summary. Or else use the Field Explorer, the icon that is a grid-like box, to add running totals.
Running totals allow you to do clever things with grouping and formulas. They also accumulate for each line, hence the name. The disadvantage is that they are working out at the same time as the Crystal report formats the line. You cannot test for their values until after the details have been printed. You can show them in the group footer but not the group header, where they will be zero if you are resetting them for each group.
Summary totals are cruder, but are based directly on the data. This means that they can be shown in the header. They can also be used to sort groups, or to suppress them. Suppress a group if it has less than three members, say. They default to 'Grand Total', but also can be for a group.
For suppression, right-click on a section and choose Section Expert. Then choose the formula icon (x+2 and a pencil) for suppression. Enter a formula; e.g. @YourCount > 3
Madawc Williams (East Anglia, UK). Using Windows XP & Crystal 10
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