I have a select box on my page that fetches its contents in a database. That part works fine. Actually, I'm sure this is rather a simple problem and I just can't see it. When I want to put one of those as default, it appears double in the list
<font size=+3>Choose your race</font>
<select NAME="cmbRaces">
<%Do while not rs.eof%>
<OPTION value="<%= rs("race" %>"><%=rs("race"%>
Amongst the races, I want Human to appear in the box by default. It does this way but appears twice in the list. How would I correct this
I have a select box on my page that fetches its contents in a database. That part works fine. Actually, I'm sure this is rather a simple problem and I just can't see it. When I want to put one of those as default, it appears double in the list
<font size=+3>Choose your race</font>
<select NAME="cmbRaces">
<%Do while not rs.eof%>
<OPTION value="<%= rs("race" %>"><%=rs("race"%>
Amongst the races, I want Human to appear in the box by default. It does this way but appears twice in the list. How would I correct this