Here's a quick one, on one of my asp pages, I load 4 select boxes with choices taken from a access database. How do you display one default choice per box without adding (or doubling) that item in the select box.
If you have following items A, B, C, D and E and want D to show when page loads. I put the <OPTION selected>D</OPTION> but obviously this is wrong because it doubles the D selection in the list. Is there a way maybe to specify the item number like in VB with a combobox?
Here's a quick one, on one of my asp pages, I load 4 select boxes with choices taken from a access database. How do you display one default choice per box without adding (or doubling) that item in the select box.
If you have following items A, B, C, D and E and want D to show when page loads. I put the <OPTION selected>D</OPTION> but obviously this is wrong because it doubles the D selection in the list. Is there a way maybe to specify the item number like in VB with a combobox?