What I am trying to do is if the date in POCMonths.PocMonth month of current date is = to print time then I want >= and <= of POCMonths.PocMonth records but only if there is a current entry for the print time month. For th elife of me I can't figure out how to do it. I can get >= POCMonths.PocMonth and I can get <= POCMonths.PocMonth (See Below) but I can't get all the records if it contains the current month. I don't know if I need some kind of variable or what. I want to get all the PTD stuff then all the stuff in the future months as well as current month but only if there is an entry in the current month. Confused?
If DateDiff('m',CurrentDate,{POCMonths.PocMonth}) = 0 then @sales
If DateDiff('m',CurrentDate,{POCMonths.PocMonth}) = 0 then @sales