I am using Delphi 2007 and TAdvStringGrid v
i am using the following code:
After an item is entered into the Cells[1,row], i want to be selected and ready to enter the next item in the string grid.
{NOTE: Items are enter using a Barcode scanner set to keyboard emulation. The <ENTER> key is not being used nor is the <TAB> key. The code detects the entry is being done by the Barcode Scanner. I cannot use the barcode scanner to emulate an <ENTER> or a <TAB>.}
What is happening though is the Next Cell is selected (highlighted blue) but the cursor is still in the previous field and if another item is typed in, it over writes the previous item. I have to press the Down arrow key and then put in my next item.
Anyone that can help me, i would be very greatful...
Thank you,
Tom Cusick
i am using the following code:
with asgProducts do begin
zValue:=Trim(Value); //Trim excess spaces
LookupSKUs(zValue, asgProducts, ACol, ARow);
//Get SKU information
ARow:=RowCount-1; //Get last row
Row:=ARow; //Set AdvStringGrid.Row to Last Row
Col:=1; //Set AdvStringGrid.Col to 2nd Column
SetAmount; //Procedure to calculate total value
{NOTE: Items are enter using a Barcode scanner set to keyboard emulation. The <ENTER> key is not being used nor is the <TAB> key. The code detects the entry is being done by the Barcode Scanner. I cannot use the barcode scanner to emulate an <ENTER> or a <TAB>.}
What is happening though is the Next Cell is selected (highlighted blue) but the cursor is still in the previous field and if another item is typed in, it over writes the previous item. I have to press the Down arrow key and then put in my next item.
Anyone that can help me, i would be very greatful...
Thank you,
Tom Cusick