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Seg Fault - open_dir 1

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Technical User
Jun 11, 2003
Forgive me if I am doing something stupid, I have not worked too much with C.

I am getting a segmentation fault on a parser that I have written. The program is designed to search through a report directory structure, find report files (basically print files) and then add the reports that are contained within those files to a report database.

This parser can be run on the entire report directory or just a subdirectory, by passing in a command line argument.

When I run the program without the command line argument, I encounter a segmentation fault when it goes to open one of the subdirectories (located in the last day's directory). The command I am using to open the file. The guts of the "process directory" function are shown below. It is seg faulting when trying to opendir command (dir_p = opendir (full_dir.c_str());).

If I run the program just against the problem directory (or from right above the problem directory) it runs just fine, completes and does not seg fault.

I would guess that I am in trouble with memory allocation either through the string that is holding the file name or through the directory pointer. I have checked and the program has appropriate permissions and there does not seem to be anything wrong with the directory that would keep it from being read (e.g. the file can be opened)

Thanks in advance for any help that you can provide.

string process_dir (string dir, string date, string base_dir)
    This function will process the given directory looking for all
    lower directories. When a file is found, it will process the file
    through the process file command.  If no date is passed, it will
    it will compute and return the date.  If a date is passed, that
    value will be returned by the function

  DIR * dir_p;
  struct dirent * dir_entry_p;
  struct stat info;
  string current_file, child, full_dir;

  if (dir == "." || dir == "..")
    // throw out the directory
    return ("");

  // Display progress information
  printf("Current Working Directory = %s/%s\n", base_dir.c_str(), dir.c_str());

  if (date == "")
    // get the date from the current directory
    // date = dir.substr(0,2) + "/" + dir.substr(2,2) + "/" + dir.substr(4,4);
    date = dir.substr(4,2) + "/" + dir.substr(6,2) + "/" + dir.substr(0, 4);

  full_dir = base_dir + "/" + dir;
  stat(full_dir.c_str(), &info);

  dir_p = opendir (full_dir.c_str());
  while (NULL != (dir_entry_p = readdir(dir_p)))
    current_file = dir_entry_p->d_name;
    stat((full_dir + "/" + current_file).c_str(), &info);
    current_file = dir_entry_p->d_name;
    // check to see if the current file is a directory
    if (S_ISDIR(info.st_mode))
      // process the lower directory
      process_dir(current_file, date, full_dir);
    else // this is a regular file
        Process the file by opening the file, looking for available 
	reports in the file, and adding those reports to the report
      process_file(current_file, full_dir, date);
  return (date);
Couple of things.

1. What is the difference between calling this code with command line arguments, and without command line arguments.
Are you trying to access say [tt]argv[argc][/tt] by mistake.

2. I also note that there is no closedir() call in your code, nor any check that opendir() actually succeeded.
There could be a limit to the number of open directories you can have at once, which would be consistent with it crashing when doing a lot, and working when doing a little.

It seems to be a problem of not closing the directory, open enough times without closing = seg fault. Thank you very much for the suggestion...looked and looked but never saw it.
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