I’m trying to use seek/find methods without a success.<br>I have listed my table structures & coding below & hoping to get an answer soon.<br><br>Table names:<br>1. AirMain – contains records created from a text file. <br>2. InvaliPC- contains only invalid records from this file<br><br>Structure of files:<br>Table - Airmain Table - InvalidPC<br>Address Line1 Addres Line2<br>Address Line2 Address Line2<br>Town Town<br>County County<br>PostCode PostCode<br>URN ReturnPostcode <br> URN<br><br>** Both files been indexed by URN<br><br><br>Form Load()<br> Set db = DBEngine.OpenDatabase(App.Path & "\AIRTOURS.MDB"<br> Set rs = db.OpenRecordset("AIRMAIN", dbOpenDynaset) <br> Set rsInvPc = db.OpenRecordset("InvalidPC", dbOpenDynaset)<br>End Sub<br><br>After extracting records from InvalidPc to a text file- I’m running an external “postcode cleaning” process to correct these invalid records & generated postcode will be stored under “ReturnPostCode” field.<br><br>Once this process finish, I want to copy only updated recs. (where ReturnPostCode<>””) to the AirMain table.<br>This is my coding to do a search on Airmain table<br><br>Dim u<br>While Not rsInvPc.EOF<br> u = rsInvPc.Fields("urn"<br> rs.FindFirst "URN =" & u<br> If rs.NoMatch Then<br> MsgBox "Cannot"<br> MsgBox rs.PercentPosition<br> End If<br> ‘ rs.Seek "=", u<br> ' MsgBox rs.PercentPosition<br> rsInvPc.MoveNext<br> Wend<br><br>(This always return a 0 (zero) for rs.PercentPosition)<br><br>Can any one tell me where/what’s wrong with this code?<br>Any help will greatly appreciate.<br>Thanks<br>