This will get the job done on how to seed values.
Example to make a card deck you would detirmine the number before hand, so you would have this ( and you fould know that the third card is first.
The only thing wrong is I can't dynamicaly dim arrays. So I fixed it one to fifty.
Please any question comments or anything post em!
Ps: Is this FAQ or not?
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Example to make a card deck you would detirmine the number before hand, so you would have this ( and you fould know that the third card is first.
The only thing wrong is I can't dynamicaly dim arrays. So I fixed it one to fifty.
Please any question comments or anything post em!
Ps: Is this FAQ or not?
Public Function MakeDeck(low As Integer, high As Integer)
Dim take(1 To 50)
For i = low To high
num = Rnd2(low, high)
If take(num) = "Yes" Then
GoTo repeat
MakeDeck = MakeDeck & num & ","
take(num) = "Yes"
MsgBox MakeDeck
End If
Next i
For i = low To high
take(i) = ""
Next i
End Function
Public Function Rnd2(ByVal low As Single, ByVal high As Single) As Single
Rnd2 = Rnd * (high - low) + low
Rnd2 = Round(Rnd2)
End Function
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