I have a .bash script like this...
The awk portion coverts a particular string to lower case and the SED portion deletes the string 0:00:00 wherever it is found in the source comma delimited file...
How would I do this all in awk?
How would I also skip over lines that contained certain strings like CO. or INC., etc...
-Allen Moore
awk -F, -v OFS=, '{$3=tolower($3);print}' input.txt > new
sed s/\ 0:00:00// new > output.txt
rm new
The awk portion coverts a particular string to lower case and the SED portion deletes the string 0:00:00 wherever it is found in the source comma delimited file...
How would I do this all in awk?
How would I also skip over lines that contained certain strings like CO. or INC., etc...
-Allen Moore