I'm looking to do a find/replace on a bunch of files.
I'm looking for an instance that has the variable $USTART_CAMP concatenated with sfx and I want to replace it with the variable $DEST_CAMP concatenated with sfx. I have tried both of these ways below, neither of which has worked. Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks
I'm looking to do a find/replace on a bunch of files.
I'm looking for an instance that has the variable $USTART_CAMP concatenated with sfx and I want to replace it with the variable $DEST_CAMP concatenated with sfx. I have tried both of these ways below, neither of which has worked. Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks
$SED 's/'${USTART_CAMP}'sfx/'${DEST_CAMP}'sfx/' $[URL unfurl="true"]WWW_SERVER_DEFAULTS[/URL] > $[URL unfurl="true"]WWW_SERV[/URL]
$SED 's/'${USTART_CAMP}sfx'/'${DEST_CAMP}sfx'/' $[URL unfurl="true"]WWW_SERVER_DEFAULTS[/URL] > $[URL unfurl="true"]WWW_SERV[/URL]