Hi there,
What is the command line do you use to delete all blank line in a file with sed command.
I had tried for a week but could not success. I am new in this toy. Please help.
This will remove blank empty lines but not if they contain white space.
[sig]<p>Ged Jones<br><a href=mailto:gedejones@hotmail.com>gedejones@hotmail.com</a><br><a href= > </a><br>Top man[/sig]
If all the lines of data contain alpha you could also try :-
sed '/[A-z]/!d' < infile > outfile
or for numeric
sed '/[0-9]/!d'
Note, [A-z] is for all upper and lower case alpha charecters. !d means delete lines not containing the string charecters. [sig]<p>Ged Jones<br><a href=mailto:gedejones@hotmail.com>gedejones@hotmail.com</a><br><a href= > </a><br>Top man[/sig]
If you have to use sed, it's not too different from the "grep" command suggested by Ged:
sed -e's/^$//' input_file_name > new_file_name
This passes the file "input_file_name" into sed, which swaps all blank lines for nothing, and sends the output to "new_file_name".
[sig]<p> Andy Bold<br><a href=mailto: > </a><br><a href= > </a><br>"I've probably made most of the mistakes already, so hopefully you won't have to..." Me, most days.[/sig]
Maybe this can be helpful, from the the Unix Command Compendium,
sed '/--*$/{n;/^$/d;}' file_name
This example deletes blank lines that follow the first regular expression--which, for example purposes, consists of two or more hyphens. The n command tells sed to process the line following this regular expression. Next, the regular expression /^$/ specifies that only blank lines should be processed. Finally, the d command tells sed to delete the blank lines.
sed '{n;/^$/d;}' file_name > new_file_name
The above will remove all blank lines from your file. If you have to do this repeatedly to many files I would suggest you script this and use variables for file_name and new_file_name.>:O> [sig][/sig]
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