I am in need of some help. On a routine bases I have large database files that I need to extract data from. I then need to input the extracted data into new files.<br><br>The data is delimited, <br><br>Example:<br><br>****<br>Joe Smith<br>408-123-4567<br>Sample Co Inc.<br><br>(Followed by a multiple more lines)<br><br>****<br><br>The common delimiter between each set of data is ****<br>The data is then moved to a new file. I then continue to do this 100 or so more times until the file is empty. I have the ability to change the delimiter. The new files can also be named anything. The only requirement is they have a .tag extension.<br><br><br>My question: Does any know how I can automate this process through a script. I think SED would accomplish this, but I am not familiar enough with SED to execute it.<br><br>Any thoughts on automating this task would be helpful. <br><br>Danny.<br><A HREF="mailto:dannyd@aboveboardelectronics.com">dannyd@aboveboardelectronics.com</A><br>