I am bit concerned about security related issues about possible execution of inband PPRC commands like csetpath etc....
As you have mentioned that csetpath or csetpair command can be executed any kind of authentication on stoarge level. As a last resort,Is there any way to disable these inband commands on storage level?
As outband commands like dscli commands are always authenticated on SHMC level there any way to authenticate csetpath commands issued from a zseries attached to DS8K or ESS?
Please advice
Here comes polani Once again!!!
P690 Certified Specailist
HACMP & AIX Certified Specailist
AIX & HACCMP Instructor
I am bit concerned about security related issues about possible execution of inband PPRC commands like csetpath etc....
As you have mentioned that csetpath or csetpair command can be executed any kind of authentication on stoarge level. As a last resort,Is there any way to disable these inband commands on storage level?
As outband commands like dscli commands are always authenticated on SHMC level there any way to authenticate csetpath commands issued from a zseries attached to DS8K or ESS?
Please advice
Here comes polani Once again!!!
P690 Certified Specailist
HACMP & AIX Certified Specailist
AIX & HACCMP Instructor