I know I can uncheck all the unecessary views from startup dialogue. I heard of the user can bypass that using 'shift', how to disable the bypass in VBA? Thanks
I know this is very interesting, but I wasn't able to turn the bypasskey off, I tried the example in the access help, I have no luck with that, does anyone did that before? Thanks
The code under works:
Call this from the immediate screen of during startup and you will be locked out of your project for good (so do it only on a copy) ;-).
Private Const ErrPropNotFound As Long = 2455
Public Sub SetAllowByPassKey(Enable As Boolean)
On Error Resume Next
Dim blnReturn As Boolean
blnReturn = True
CurrentProject.Properties("AllowBypassKey"). _
Value = Enable
If Err.Number = ErrPropNotFound Then
CurrentProject.Properties.Add _
"AllowBypassKey", Enable
blnReturn = False
End If
End Sub
Yeah, ALWAYS give yourself a back door into your database--a way to re-enable the shift key bypass. Here's a quote of mine from another thread on this topic:
The way I do it is that there's a button only visible to people in the admins group. Clicking on that re-enable's the shift key, so the next time you open the database the shift key will be enabled. Another button (or the same one, or a toggle, or whatever) re-disables it. Hopefully you've got a copy of the database that hasn't yet run this code!!
Jeremy Wallace
METRIX Lead Developer
Fund for the City of New York
http:// metrix . fcny . org
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