I'm experimenting with the Windows Registry at the moment. I read the FAQ "Reading and Writing Registry Values" by Mike Lacey and a lot of other threads, but I still have some questions about the GetSetting/SaveSetting statement.
What I would like to do is check whether a program is installed (i.e. Word Reader) and get the setting of the directory where the program is installed so I can call it from there. The keyname in the registry is
What I would like to do is check whether a program is installed (i.e. Word Reader) and get the setting of the directory where the program is installed so I can call it from there. The keyname in the registry is
HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Word Viewer\8.0\Options[\code].
The name of the directory is stored in "PROGRAMDIR" -> "c:\program files\WordView".
I tryed several things, this was my last attempt :
[code]Debug.Print GetSetting(appname:="Word Viewer", Section:="HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Word Viewer\8.0\Options", Key:="PROGRAMDIR")[\code]
I don't know what to put in the appname section of the statement. The MSDN lib says "String expression containing the name of the application or project whose key setting is requested.", but where can I find the exact name of the application ?
Hope someone can help me out here.
Sfenx 8-)