I need to search for .bat and .cfg files that have a dollar sign in them on a remote server share.
While I can accomplish this on my local device (after setting up cfg files to be text indexed) I cannot accomplish it on the share. It pulls up every file that matches the file extension specified regardless of whether the text I require is in the file.
I do not have access to the server to alter the indexing and bat files should have worked as they do locally so I am not sure what other options there might be.
At my age I still learn something new every day, but I forget two others.
While I can accomplish this on my local device (after setting up cfg files to be text indexed) I cannot accomplish it on the share. It pulls up every file that matches the file extension specified regardless of whether the text I require is in the file.
I do not have access to the server to alter the indexing and bat files should have worked as they do locally so I am not sure what other options there might be.
At my age I still learn something new every day, but I forget two others.