Like the title says, I have a formula that I found online and it works great when the tags are present. The problem is that they may not always be present in the memo field. When that happens, the report breaks.
StringVar end := "<" + "/" + {?tag parameter};
StringVar a := {xml database field};
numberVar b := InStr({xml database field}, {?tag parameter});
b := b +Length({?tag parameter}) +1;
StringVar firstcut := mid(a,b);
numberVar c := InStr(firstcut, end) -1;
left(firstcut, c);
Thank you in advance.
StringVar end := "<" + "/" + {?tag parameter};
StringVar a := {xml database field};
numberVar b := InStr({xml database field}, {?tag parameter});
b := b +Length({?tag parameter}) +1;
StringVar firstcut := mid(a,b);
numberVar c := InStr(firstcut, end) -1;
left(firstcut, c);
Thank you in advance.