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Searching for a matching record using .EOF, ADO

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Jan 24, 2003
Please help,
Im new to this but im trying hard.
Ive looked at numerous resources but couldn't seem to get it to work. I have an Access database where Im trying to search a table(servicecenterproblem) for a matching !me form entry(number) in the field (number).
If theres a match then msg "dup entry", if no match then add.number to field.
Here is my sub code.

Private Sub runtest_Click()
If IsNull(Me!number) Then
MsgBox "Service Number is a Required Entry.", 48
'**** add a new record ****
Dim CurConn As New ADODB.Connection
Dim rst As New ADODB.Recordset
Dim CurDB As Database

Set CurDB = CurrentDb
Set CurConn = New ADODB.Connection

With CurConn
.Provider = "Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0"
.ConnectionString = "data source= " & CurDB.Name
End With

Set rst = New ADODB.Recordset
rst.CursorType = adOpenDynamic
rst.LockType = adLockOptimistic

rst.Open "ServiceCenterProblem",CurConn, , ,adCmdTableDirect

rst.Find ("number = '[ME!number]'"), MoveFirst, adSearchForward

If Not rst.EOF Then
MsgBox "Service Number is a Duplicate Entry.", 48

With rst
![number] = (Me!number)
MsgBox Me!number & " has been added to the Service Center Table."
End With
End If
Set rst = Nothing
Set cnn = Nothing

Exit Sub

End If

End Sub
Is "number" a key field in the table?
What is the line of code that errors out and what is the error?
Thanks for the quick reply vbajock
-number is a key field
-it doesnt error, it just always goes to

With rst
![number] = (Me!number)
MsgBox Me!number & " has been added to the Service Center Table."
even if theres a duplicate entry - then promting the error that the entry cant be added because its a duplicate entry.
i want to trap that error and have my own message box
(MsgBox "Service Number is a Duplicate Entry.", 48)
Thanks a lot,

p.s ive also tried to use the seek command with the primary key and check value of .eof as well and would do the same thing.
With ADO, you really should be using the Seek method:

dim somenumber

'this is all on one line
rst.Open "ServiceCenterProblem", CurConn, adOpenDynamic,adLockOptimistic, adCmdTableDirect

rst.Index = "PrimaryKey" ' or the name of the index if it 'is not primary

somenumber = ME!number

rst.Seek somenumber

If Not rst.EOF Then
'number exists, send msg
'do something else
end if

BTW - the simple way to do this would be:

if isnull(Dlookup("number","ServiceCenterProblem","number = '"+[ME!number]+"'")) then

'dlookup returned null, the number is not in the file


'it is not null, I have the number on file already

end if
I am assuming your field "number" is a text type field. If it is numerical, leave out the single quotes in the where clause
if isnull(Dlookup("number","ServiceCenterProblem","number = '"+[ME!number]+"'"))
This line is returning a runtime error 2465
hotswap database cant find the field '|' reffered to in your expression
Dlookup("[number]","ServiceCenterProblem","[number] = '"+[ME!number]+"'"))
Put number in brackets - sorry
You the man, works like a charm. ive been spending days on this. Thanks once again
Let this be the lesson, grasshopper:

FIND is for dweebs
SEEK is cool
Dlookup will save you a lot of coding on forms if you now how to use it. Another function like it is IIF, you might want to look at it too.
Irregardless of whether you should be using seek you should also be properly specifying the search strings.

Change: rst.Find ("number = '[ME!number]'"), MoveFirst, adSearchForward

To: rst.Find ("number = '" & [ME!number] & "'"), MoveFirst, adSearchForward
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