I am creating a database for an offline auction. A report is used to print a receipt for each bidder. The report is ordered by bidder number. Is there a quick way of going to a specific bidder number? If there was only one page for each bidder number, then it'd be easy, but there can be many pages for each bidder number. I am hoping to kind of "prompt" the user for the bidder number they want. I have tried to think how is best to do it, but have drawn a blank...
Additionally, each bidder number receives their receipt, and i would like them to include page numbers in the form "page x of y", but each bidder number can have a varying amount of pages (i'd like the first page of every bidder number's receipt to be page 1) any suggestions??
Additionally, each bidder number receives their receipt, and i would like them to include page numbers in the form "page x of y", but each bidder number can have a varying amount of pages (i'd like the first page of every bidder number's receipt to be page 1) any suggestions??