i am trying to find a combobox that is searchable...mind you not on just one key ie if u press one key such as 'e' it goes to the 'e's but i want it searchable on many ie if u presser, i want it to go to er's
for the supplier / expense / cost text boxes the user can open up a list of options
I can elaborate on how it works if thats the sort of thing your looking at
The user can either
Type in the relevant code fully themselves without using the list
user can enter the first few letters of the code then click the assist button, this runs a "startswith" query on the code field
user can press the tilde key ( ` -> just below esc key)instead of clicking button
if the user doesnt know the code, but knows he was to code it to say general welfare he can use a "?" to make a "contains" query on the description field
eg try typing
?welfare into the expense text box and then press tilde / click view button.
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