Using the following code I am opening a text file and taking each line and putting it into the variable str1 one line at a time. I am also opening another file to write the resulting modified text back into. What I want to do is find the first instance of a letter sequence (ie M then a space)and put a carriage return in then write the resulting abbreviated line into the Results file.
How do I search a string to find the first instance of the letter sequenc?
Open ABIFileLoc For Input As #1
Open Results For Output As #2 ' Opens the File to hold the trimmed results.
Do Until EOF(1)
Line Input #1, str1
' Find letter sequence and add carriage return
Print #2
How do I search a string to find the first instance of the letter sequenc?
Open ABIFileLoc For Input As #1
Open Results For Output As #2 ' Opens the File to hold the trimmed results.
Do Until EOF(1)
Line Input #1, str1
' Find letter sequence and add carriage return
Print #2