I have an array which looks in a string a predefined textstring, a legal form like SL. This works fine, but when the legal form appears in the text he also takes it out.
"TRANSLUQUE 2000 SL" became "TRANUQUE 2000". So I try to say look only for the legal form where there is before first a space and then * or after a space and *
I tried
1. name_lf Like "* " & FJa(i))
2. name_lf Like FJa(i)) & " " & "*")
3. name_lf Like FJa(i)) & chr(32) & "*")
I have an array which looks in a string a predefined textstring, a legal form like SL. This works fine, but when the legal form appears in the text he also takes it out.
"TRANSLUQUE 2000 SL" became "TRANUQUE 2000". So I try to say look only for the legal form where there is before first a space and then * or after a space and *
I tried
1. name_lf Like "* " & FJa(i))
2. name_lf Like FJa(i)) & " " & "*")
3. name_lf Like FJa(i)) & chr(32) & "*")
For i = LBound(FJa) To UBound(FJa)
If (name_lf Like "* " & FJa(i)) Or (name_lf Like "* " & FJa(i)) & " " & "*") Or (name_lf Like FJa(i) & " " & "*") Then ...