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Search form using AND

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Technical User
Jul 17, 2001
Can someone briefly describe the logic I would use so that a single text box can take several keywords separated by AND to query a recordset? Below is the code I am using for a single keyword.
rsHeader.Open ("SELECT DISTINCT InvoiceNo, PartNo" _
& "WHERE CompanyName LIKE '%" & varSearchText & "%' OR " _ 
	& "AcctNo LIKE '%" & varSearchText & "%' OR " _
	& "PartNo LIKE '%" & varSearchText & "%' OR " _
	& "CustomerPO LIKE '%" & varSearchText & "%'") , Conn1
oh so you mean you want seomthing like this:

in the textbox: "black AND decker"

the SQL query: "SELECT * FROM myTbl WHERE field1 LIKE '%black%' AND field1LIKE '%decker%'"

if that's the case, the only way that I've been able to do it is by using regular expressions.
Regular expressions have been available to VBScript since 5.0, non-greedy since 5.5. I would suggest making sure that you have at least VBScript 5.0 installed on your webserver. If you need to install it, it's at
If you're unfamiliar with regexp, this link might help:

Anyhow, I would do something like this:
- set a regular expression
- get the matches collection
- get the firstindex of the matches
- break apart the string using the matches collection

Dim re, matches, match, andQuery, startPt
startPt = 0
set re = new regexp
re.pattern = "\band\b"

set matches = re.execute(formQuery)
for each match in matches
andQuery = andQuery & " AND " & mid(formQuery,startPt,match.FirstIndex - startPt)
startPt = match.FirstIndex + 5 'to compensate for the _and_

andQuery = Right(andQuery, Len(andQuery) - 5) & mid(formQuery, startPt, Len(formQuery) - startPt)

In theory this should work. I can't test it out because I'm at school right now.

I have done a boolean type search like this before, and actually the code is available at my website. The search allows for OR and AND, and " " type strings. My website is

it's in downloads, it's the wduw2d.zip... I think it's part of the BBS search, or maybe the searchResults.asp page... I don't really remember.

well - good luck to you.
here's the code I was talking about... i'm just gonna cut and paste it... i'll add a few comments here and there, but you will need to adapt this to your needs....

'creates where clause parsing for AND, OR, and &quot;&quot;
'@strResult - string of the form input
'@field - db field to match against
'returns WHERE condition (without the WHERE)
FUNCTION processStr(strResult, field)
if strResult <> &quot;&quot; then
Response.Write field & &quot;s for : &quot; & strResult & &quot;<br>&quot;
dim re, reMatch, item, boolStr, value, quoteStr, otherStr

boolStr = &quot;&quot;
otherStr = &quot;&quot;
quoteStr = &quot;&quot;
strResult = lcase(strResult)

set re = new RegExp
re.IgnoreCase = true
re.Global = true

'GET THE and &quot;&quot;
re.Pattern = &quot;\sand\s+&quot;&quot;.*?&quot;&quot;&quot;
set reMatch = re.Execute(strResult)
For Each item in reMatch
value = &quot; &quot; & replace(item.value, &quot;&quot;&quot;&quot;,&quot;&quot;)
value = trim(replace(value, &quot; and &quot;, &quot;&quot;))
quoteStr = quoteStr & &quot; AND (&quot; & field & &quot; LIKE '%&quot; & value & &quot;%')&quot;
strResult = re.Replace(strResult, &quot; &quot;)

'GET THE or &quot;&quot;
re.Pattern = &quot;\sor\s+&quot;&quot;.*?&quot;&quot;&quot;
set reMatch = re.Execute(strResult)
For Each item in reMatch
value = &quot; &quot; & replace(item.value, &quot;&quot;&quot;&quot;,&quot;&quot;)
value = trim(replace(value, &quot; or &quot;, &quot;&quot;))
quoteStr = quoteStr & &quot; OR (&quot; & field & &quot; LIKE '%&quot; & value & &quot;%')&quot;
strResult = re.Replace(strResult, &quot; &quot;)

'GET REST OF &quot;&quot;
re.Pattern = &quot;&quot;&quot;.*?&quot;&quot;&quot;
set reMatch = re.Execute(strResult)
For Each item in reMatch
value = trim(replace(item.value, &quot;&quot;&quot;&quot;,&quot;&quot;))
quoteStr = quoteStr & &quot; AND (&quot; & field & &quot; LIKE '%&quot; & value & &quot;%')&quot;
strResult = re.Replace(strResult, &quot; &quot;)

re.Pattern = &quot;\sand\s+\w+&quot;
set reMatch = re.Execute(strResult)
For each item in reMatch
boolStr = boolStr & &quot; AND (&quot; & field & &quot; LIKE '%&quot; & trim(Replace(item.value,&quot; and &quot;,&quot;&quot;)) & &quot;%') &quot;
strResult = re.Replace(strResult,&quot; &quot;)

re.Pattern = &quot;\sor\s+\w+&quot;
set reMatch = re.Execute(strResult)
For each item in reMatch
boolStr = boolStr & &quot; OR (&quot; & field & &quot; LIKE '%&quot; & trim(Replace(item.value,&quot; or &quot;,&quot;&quot;)) & &quot;%')&quot;
strResult = re.Replace(strResult,&quot; &quot;)

re.Pattern = &quot;\s{2,}&quot;
strResult = trim(re.Replace(strResult,&quot; &quot;))
set re = nothing

dim i, strArr, arrUB
strArr = Split(strResult,&quot; &quot;)
arrUB = Ubound(strArr)
For i = 0 to arrUB
otherStr = otherStr & &quot; AND (&quot; & field & &quot; LIKE '%&quot; & strArr(i) & &quot;%') &quot;

'check otherStr, quoteStr, and boolStr
if otherStr = &quot;&quot; then
if quoteStr = &quot;&quot; then
if boolStr = &quot;&quot; then
processStr = boolStr
end if
if boolStr = &quot;&quot; then
processStr = quoteStr
processStr = quoteStr & boolStr
end if
end if
else 'otherStr has something
otherStr = Right(otherStr, Len(otherStr) - 4)
if quoteStr = &quot;&quot; then
if boolStr = &quot;&quot; then
processStr = otherStr
processStr = otherStr & boolStr
end if
if boolStr = &quot;&quot; then
processStr = otherStr & quoteStr
processStr = otherStr & quoteStr & boolStr
end if
end if
end if
end if

'processes the basic search form
'@QS - string holding form input
'returns sql query
Response.write &quot;Searched : <br>&quot;
frmQry = &quot;?qry=&quot; & Server.URLEncode(QS)

Dim tempRes
tempRes = processStr(QS, &quot;message&quot;)
tempRes = correctSQL(correctSQL(tempRes,false), true)
basic = Trim(tempRes)

'function strips out the extra ANDs & ORs
'@str - string to format
'@start - boolean to determine where to check
'returns formatted string
FUNCTION correctSQL(str, start)
if start then
if InStr(str,&quot; AND&quot;) < 4 and InStr(str,&quot; AND&quot;) <> 0 then
str = Right(str,Len(str) - 4)
elseif InStr(str,&quot; OR&quot;) < 4 and InStr(str,&quot; OR&quot;) <> 0 then
str = Right(str,Len(str) - 3)
end if
if InStrRev(str,&quot; AND&quot;) > Len(str) - 4 then
str = Left(str,Len(str) - 3)
elseif InStrRev(str,&quot; OR&quot;) > Len(str) - 4 then
str = Left(str,Len(str) - 2)
end if
end if
correctSQL = str


This hasn't been tested as a cut and paste type setup, I know that it works in my scenario though....

hth you...

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Part and Inventory Search

