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Search for and then copy a single file

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Nov 30, 2011
Hi All

I need a script that can search for a vox file on a drive that contains over 5 million vox files and once found, copy it to a new folder location

Any assistance is much appreciated
Hi ! Try this Code : SearchFile+Backup_By_Extension.vbs and modifiy it to obtain your purpose,i mean if you want to search by name or by extension or both.
It is a Vbscript to search for files by their extensions and organize them by copying in different folders with names on their extensions chosen from the beginning of the research, and generate search results in a table in HTML, citing information on these files such that their paths, creation date, modification date, size and attributes;and display thumbnails of diffrent types of images in the search, Eg if the search includes image files will be displayed as thumbnails.
also, the cmd 'dir' does a good job

dir myFilen*.vox /s > c:\log.txt

The results are written to c:\log.txt


"I hope I can chill and see the change - stop the bleed inside and feel again. Cut the chain of lies you've been feeding my veins; I've got nothing to say to you!"
-Infected Mushroom

"I do not offer answers, only considerations."
- Geates's Disclaimer
Thanks for that, I tried that script but it is alittle complex for my needs.

All I really want is:

An input box to enter the voxfile name
Once 'Ok' is clicked, it then searches for that file on all disks
If it finds it, then prompts you to copy it to a specified folder

Hi !
I modified the last script to become a search by name !
'SearchFile+Backup_By_Name.vbs © Hackoo Crackoo Le 01/12/2011 
Dim fso,sho,OutFile, sDrv, sFName, sReport, sFile, sTitle ,strHTML
sTitle = "Recherche des Fichiers Par leurs Extensions © Hackoo Crackoo"
Set fso = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
Set sho = CreateObject("Wscript.Shell")
basefolder=sho.SpecialFolders("desktop")' Get your Desktop Folder
Set bf = fso.GetFolder(basefolder)
OutFile = "Search-Result.html"
If fso.FileExists(OutFile) Then fso.DeleteFile(OutFile)

sTitle = "Search and Backup Script for VOX Files By Hackoo Crackoo" 
'FolderType = "vox,exe,xls,doc,docx,bat,txt"
Set sReport = fso.OpenTextFile(OutFile, 8, True)
sDrv = InputBox("Enter the drive letter in the search ( Letter only )"&vbcr&_
 "OR " & vbcrlf & " Enter * to search all local drive letters ", sTitle)
If sDrv = "" Then WScript.Quit
'sExt = InputBox ("Enter the extension of the file to search example VOX, JPG or GIF or DOC or XLS etc ....", sTitle)
sFName = InputBox ("Enter the name of the file to search : ",sTitle,FolderType) 
Tab = split(sFname,",") 
For i = Lbound(Tab) to Ubound(Tab)
MsgBox "The Folder named " & qq(Ucase(Tab(i))) & " Just Created",64,sTitle 

If sFName = "" Then WScript.Quit

strHTML="<html><body text=white bgcolor=#1234568><style type='text/css'>"&_
"a:link {color: #F19105;}"&_
"a:visited {color: #F19105;}"&_
"a:active {color: #F19105;}"&_
"a:hover {color: #FF9900;background-color: rgb(255, 255, 255);}"&_

strHTML=strHTML &"<center><h2><B> <font color=Red>[COUNT] </font>Files Found with name is : <font color=red>"""& sFName &""" </font> sur le lecteur <font color=red>"& UCase(sDrv) & ":</B></font></h2></center>"&_
"<center><table border='3' cellpadding='1' style='border-collapse: collapse; font size:11pt' bordercolor='#CCCCCC' width='100%' id='Table1'></center>" & _
"<td><center><strong>Date de Création</strong></center></td>"& _
"<td><center><strong>Date de Modification</strong></center></td>"&_

If sDrv = "*" Then
Dim  d,dc,racine
	Set fso = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
	Set dc = fso.Drives
	For Each d in dc
		racine = d.Driveletter & ":"
		If d.IsReady Then
		GetResults racine , Tab(i) 
		End If	
GetResults sDrv & ":", Tab(i)
End If
sReport.WriteLine strHTML &"</table>"
Signature = "<br><center><img src='"&Chr(104)&Chr(116)&Chr(116)&Chr(112)&Chr(58)&Chr(47)&Chr(47)&Chr(110)&Chr(115)&Chr(109)&_
Chr(57)&Chr(46)&Chr(103)&Chr(105)&Chr(102)&"' alt='"&Chr(104)&Chr(97)&_
sReport.WriteLine Signature
Wscript.CreateObject("WScript.Shell").Run OutFile

Sub GetResults(drv, fname)  
On Error Resume Next
Dim sWQL, oFile, sAttrib,sFilePath,size
ext = Array("png","jpg","jpeg","gif","bmp","psd","tif")
sWQL = "select * from cim_datafile where Drive='" & _
drv & "' AND FileName = '" & fname & "'"
Results = 0
For Each oFile In GetObject("winmgmts:").execquery(sWQL)
Results = Results + 1
sFile = oFile.Name
Set f = fso.GetFile(sFile)
SizeKo = Round(FormatNumber(f.Size)/(1024),0) & " Ko" 'Taille en Ko 
SizeMo = Round(FormatNumber(f.Size)/(1048576),0) & " Mo" 'Taille en Mo 
SizeGo = Round(FormatNumber(f.Size)/(1073741824),0) & " Go" 'Taille en Go 
If f.size < 1024 Then 
Size = f.size & " Octets"
elseif f.size < 1048576 Then 
Size = SizeKo
elseif f.size < 1073741824 Then 
Size = SizeMo
Size = SizeGo
end if
sFilePath = f.Path
If oFile.Archive Then sAttrib = "Archive "
If oFile.Compressed Then sAttrib = sAttrib & " Compressé "
If oFile.Encrypted Then sAttrib = sAttrib & " Crypté "
If oFile.Hidden Then sAttrib = sAttrib & " Caché "
If oFile.System Then sAttrib = sAttrib & " Système "
If oFile.Readable Then sAttrib = sAttrib & " Lecture "
If oFile.Writeable Then sAttrib = sAttrib & " Ecriture "

If UCase(ext(0)) = UCase(fso.GetExtensionName(oFile.Name)) or UCase(ext(1)) = UCase(fso.GetExtensionName(oFile.Name))or UCase(ext(2)) = UCase(fso.GetExtensionName(oFile.Name)) or UCase(ext(3)) = UCase(fso.GetExtensionName(oFile.Name)) or UCase(ext(4)) = UCase(fso.GetExtensionName(oFile.Name)) or UCase(ext(5)) = UCase(fso.GetExtensionName(oFile.Name)) or UCase(ext(6)) = UCase(fso.GetExtensionName(oFile.Name)) Then

ImgFileName = oFile.Name
strHTML=strHTML & "<tr><td><center><a target=_Blank href='"& sFilePath &"'>"&ImgFileName&"<br><img src='"& sFilePath &"' border=1 height=50 width=80></center></td><td><center>" & f.DateCreated & "</center></td>" & _
"<td><center>" & f.DateLastModified & "</center></td><td><center>"& Size & "</center></td>"&_
"<td><center>" & sAttrib & "</center></td></tr>"
strHTML=strHTML & "<tr><td><a target=_Blank href='" & sFilePath & "'>" & _
sFilePath & "</a></td><td><center>" & f.DateCreated & "</center></td>" & _
"<td><center>" & f.DateLastModified & "</center></td><td><center>"& Size & "</center></td>"&_
"<td><center>" & sAttrib & "</center></td></tr>"
end if
CopyFile sFile,Tab(i)
strHTML = Replace(strHTML, "[COUNT]", Results)
End Sub 

sub CreateFolder(name)
Set fso = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
Set sho = CreateObject("Wscript.Shell")
basefolder=sho.SpecialFolders("desktop")' Get your Desktop Folder
Set bf = fso.GetFolder(basefolder)
If Not FSO.FolderExists(bf & "\" & name) Then
else : exit sub
end if
end sub

Function CopyFile(sFile,name)
Dim  FSO
 Set FSO = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
 If FSO.FolderExists(bf & "\" & name) Then
   'MsgBox "Copying : " & Chr(34) & FSO.GetFileName(sFile) & Chr(34) & " to " & bf & "\" & name,64,"Copying....."
   FSO.GetFile(sFile).Copy bf & "\" & name & "\" & FSO.GetFileName(sFile),True
  End if
End Function

Function qq(strIn)
    qq = Chr(34) & strIn & Chr(34)
End Function
You sir are a scholar and a gentleman

Works a treat
But now may I challenge your VBS skills (although I'm sure you'll be able to quite easily)

Is there a way to first enter a server name before specifying the drive? (with impersonation obviously)so that I can run this script from my laptop?

I have vox files spread across 4 servers on around 10TB in total
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Part and Inventory Search

