I would like to search for the following ::---> "open file:"
Then once found print whatever is between the following...
"open file:" <------- Print whatever -------> "(WIN32 32:"
I have tried the following:
bperror | grep -i "open file:" |awk '/"open file"/,/"\(WIN32"/ {print}'
bperror | grep -i "open file:" |awk '/"open file"/,/"\(WIN32"/ {print}'
Both of these didn't work...
Joe Despres
Then once found print whatever is between the following...
"open file:" <------- Print whatever -------> "(WIN32 32:"
I have tried the following:
bperror | grep -i "open file:" |awk '/"open file"/,/"\(WIN32"/ {print}'
bperror | grep -i "open file:" |awk '/"open file"/,/"\(WIN32"/ {print}'
Both of these didn't work...
Joe Despres