I have an exe that is executed using a batch file -- which extracts files to a temp file and then searches for Myfile.INI and when a match is found copies files from the temp folder to the found folder.
So far I have been able to find files using sysutils.FileSearch but this function does not search the subdirectories under the different drives.
The FindFirst, FindNext works for a directory at a time but searches subdirs as well.
How can I use Sysutils.FileSearch and be able to search the subdirectories under all the available dirs.
So far I have been able to find files using sysutils.FileSearch but this function does not search the subdirectories under the different drives.
The FindFirst, FindNext works for a directory at a time but searches subdirs as well.
How can I use Sysutils.FileSearch and be able to search the subdirectories under all the available dirs.